Sunday, August 11, 2013

Capital One Commercial (the cute version)

The advertisement above shows Jimmy Fallon holding a teddy bear and holding a huge sum of cash trying to convince a baby to accept the extra savings bonus that Capital One is offering. However, the baby keeps denying it.  Many rhetorical skills are used in this advertisement. The subject of the advertisement is obtaining a credit card. The audience is any adult that has spending powers. The purpose is to convince the audience to use a Capital One credit card. Capital One tries to entice the audience by offering fifty percent annual bonus. Also, they are implying that only a baby would refuse fifty percent annual bonuses. Anyone older than a baby should understand the benefits of having cash back. The speaker is Jimmy Fallon, a famous comedian, who is talking on behalf of Capital One. Capital One is also the speaker of this advertisement. The tone is very comedic, relaxed, and family oriented. This advertisement has an automatic ethos. Jimmy Fallon, who is a famous and popular comedian, is sure to draw the attention of the viewer. The other ethos is Capital One because they are promoting their credit card to the viewer (or trying to). The logos is the factual statement that Capital One offers an annual fifty percent cash back, which is written on the chalkboard behind Jimmy Fallon. The pathos is the baby, which is not shown together with Jimmy Fallon, the teddy bear, the cash, and the chalkboard. The chalkboard shows that Jimmy Fallon is not relaying the message in complicated terms. He is simply trying to relay Capital One’s message in a friendly way. The cash is meant to draw the viewers’ attention in a way for them to reach out and take it away from Jimmy Fallon’s hands. A cute child and a teddy bear have always a positive effect on the audience. This is an effective advertisement because it uses all three rhetorical skills to grab the attention of the viewer.

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