Sunday, November 24, 2013

Are Eggs Fresh After Fourteen Years?

By Paul Rincon
"Fresh Effort to Clone Extinct Animals"

       We did it again! The human race has singlehandedly managed to wipe out an entire population of mountain goats, called bucardos, in the high mountains of Spain. These majestic creatures of the Iberian Peninsula became extinct through continuous hunting and loss of habitat. Luckily, the last surviving bucardo, Celia, was captured by scientists. They extracted her DNA and froze it in liquid nitrogen in 1999. After Celia was killed by a falling tree the following year, scientists managed to inject her nuclei into a surrogate and successfully clone the bucardo. However, the baby calf died due to complications at birth. Scientists are continuously working to “de-extinct” these mountain goats by successfully cloning the bucardo a second time. This is not an easy task since these frozen cells are extremely fragile and hard to work with. If the scientists become successful, then perhaps they can extract the DNA of every species of animals and store it in a special library for safekeeping. The next time when human beings try to annihilate another magnificent creature under the name of a “sport” called hunting, perhaps a scientist can reach into that DNA library and save the face of humanity by de-extincting these wonderful creatures.

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